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Cám ơn Quí Vị

Nhìn Ra Bốn Phương

Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 4, 2023

Thông báo của Hội Quân Nhân Người Mỹ Gốc Việt (VAUSA) 2023

Vietnamese American Uniformed Services Association
25 March 2023

In honor of Vietnamese Americans who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty while serving this great Nation, VAUSA invites scholarship applicants pursuing undergraduate studies. The scholarship is to support the recipients’ financial needs with the expectation of encouraging public service and its value in their community. Scholarships are based on the best-qualified applicants who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement while displaying high qualities of leadership and selfless service in their schools and communities. The fundamental VAUSA core values of patriotism, excellence, pride, support, and integrity are also evaluated in the selection process.

Award: This year, VAUSA plans to award five scholarships for $3,000 each.

Application Deadline: 15 June 2023

Eligibility to Apply:
1. Vietnamese Americans who have never obtained a bachelor’s degree.
2. U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

Ineligibility to Apply: Individuals who are members of the Active Component, Reserve Components, National Guard, service academies, or fully funded ROTC programs.
Current members and spouses and children of current members of the VAUSA’s Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and Scholarship Selection Committee.

Application Requirements:Application letter – A 800-word limit letter underlining the applicant’s background, career aspirations, community service, and other relevant information. This letter should include full name, email address, phone number, city, and state of current residence (street address optional).
Proof of citizenship or permanent resident status.
Proof of Vietnamese descent.
(Optional) Proof of U.S. military services by oneself, parent, or spouse.
Enrolled full-time or accepted as a full-time student from an accredited college or university in the United States.
Academic records with a minimum 3.0 GPA (based on a 4.0 scale).
Two letters of recommendation.
An essay of 500-1000 words written on one of the three following topics:What do you expect to gain from earning a college degree?
Who or what inspires you?
Describe specific examples of how VAUSA core values (at least 2 of 5) apply to you as an individual.If selected as one of the top 10 applicants, required online interviews will be scheduled between 16 July - 16 August 2023.
Scan your complete packet in one PDF document in the order prescribed in the Application Requirements and send it to VAUSA.Scholarship@gmail.com.

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