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Nhìn Ra Bốn Phương

Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 8, 2024

Poetry Corner: Poetry Collection LOTUS PICKING SONG (2) - Đỗ Chiêu Đức

Thai Lien Khuc​ ​
Jiangnan Tai Lian Nu, Jiangnan Tai Lian Nu,
Spring and autumn water.
Mean :
Jiangnan lotus picking girl,
Spring waves, blue water, flowers and people.
From the Han Dynasty to the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the image of lotus picking girls in Jiangnan was painted into paintings, sung into poems, and played into songs amidst the vast sky, water, and crisscrossing rivers of the Jiangnan homeland with its charming landscape and beautiful, graceful girls embedded in simple, poetic love stories that easily touched people's hearts.
By the Tang Dynasty, the golden age of poetry, poets competed to paint "Lotus Picking" pictures in poetry through ancient style poems, Seven-word absolute verses, Five-word absolute verses... such as:

6. The poem VIETNAMESE FEMALE TEXT 越女詞 (其三) by Poet Li Bai 李白:

Vietnamese Women's Letters
(Third) (Kỳ tam)
Da Khe Thai Lien Nu,
Seeing the guest rowing boat singing a song.
Smiling into the river flowers go,
The sun does not come out.

* Note :
- VIETNAMESE FEMININE 越女詞: A song about girls from the land of Viet. VIET here is the Wu Viet 吳越 river region of southern China from the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang... to the South; the territory of the Wu and Viet states during the Warring States period.
- DA KHE 耶溪: is Nhuoc Da Khe 若耶溪 is Nhuoc Da stream from Nhuoc Da Mountain flowing north into the Van Ha River. On the river bank there is a famous rock beach called Hoan Sa Thach 浣紗石, according to legend this is where the beauty Tay Thi and Vietnamese girls used to wash silk in the past .
- THAI LIEN NU 採蓮女: A general term for "Lotus picking girls".
- TRẢO 棹: is Oar; Verb means Oar.
- DUONG 佯: is Pretend, pretend. DUONG TU 佯羞: is Pretend to be shy, embarrassed.

* Meaning of the poem:
The girls picking lotuses by the Nhuoc Da stream in Viet, seeing the stranger, sang and rowed, smiling and swimming into the lotus fields. Pretending to be shy, they stayed there and refused to swim out.

* Nom performance:

She picked lotus in Da stream,
See the guest return to the rowing song.
Laughing into the forest of leaves,
Too shy to come out!
Six eight :
Da Khe the lotus picking girl,
Suddenly saw the guest so turned the driver inside.
The song echoes in the pink lotus,
You are so shy that you don't even expect to get out.
Do Chieu Duc performs Nom.

The agricultural life of the boys and girls in the river region of Jiangnan is also shown through the lotus picking of the village girls. The poet Li Bai recorded a very poetic moment on a bright moonlit autumn night in the poem LOC THUY KHUC 淥水曲 in the Music Palace as follows:

7. The poem DEER WATER SONG 淥水曲 by Poet Li Bai 李白:

Deer Water Melody

Deer water shines on the autumn moon,
The white concubine of the Southern Lake.
The river flower bridge wants to speak,
Sad and lonely people. Sad and lonely people.

* Note :
- LỘC THUY KHUC 淥水曲: LỘC THUY is Blue water, meaning really clear water; But LỘC THUY KHUC is the name of a song in Nhạc Phủ.
- NAN HO 南湖: is the South of Dongting Lake. Dongting Lake is the largest lake in Jiangnan and also the largest lake in China.
- BẠCH TỀN 白蘋: is white water lily, often grows together with lotus flowers, because they are both algae whose roots grow into the mud, their leaves float on the water surface and they bloom white flowers. In our traditional music, there is also the song Vong Co WHITE LOTUS FLOWER by composer Vien Chau, performed by famous singer Minh Canh and female artist Le Thuy:

- KIỀU 嬌: is beautiful and lovely; KIỀU DUC NGU 嬌欲語 is beautiful to the point of wanting to say, beautiful and lovely.
- SAU SAT 愁殺: is Sad to death; sad to the core; deeply sad.
- DANG CHU 盪舟: is to shake the boat to move forward; is to row the boat.

* Meaning of the poem:
The clear blue water makes the autumn moon seem even brighter; I set sail on a small boat south of Dongting Lake to pick white lotus flowers; Seeing the lotus flowers mixed in with the green leaves is so beautiful that it seems to speak; Making me, the boatman, feel a deep sadness that makes me speechless.
Seeing the lotus flower that has just bloomed, the petals have not yet fully opened like a young girl smiling shyly as if wanting to smile but stopping, wanting to speak but stopping; the lovely shy beauty easily captivates people's hearts: "Ha hoa kieu duc ngu, Sau sat dang chu nhan"... The poem has ended, but the love still seems to linger forever with the "dang chu" person on the vast lake of clouds and water!...

* Nom performance:

Clear water, bright autumn moon,
White lotus picked by Ho Nam.
Lotus is beautiful as if to say...
Sadness kills "the absent-minded"!
Six eight :
The clear water is brighter than the autumn moon,
White water lilies search the southern shore of the lake.
Green leaves, white flowers, yellow stamens...
As if to say sadness to the rower!
Do Chieu Duc performs Nom

Not only poets wrote the poem "Picking Lotus" but also the talented king Tang Taizong Li Shimin also wrote a poem in the ancient style " Thai Phu Dung 採芙蓉 " as follows:

Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin

8. The poem THAI PHU DUNG 採芙蓉 by Emperor Taizong of Tang唐太宗 :

Thai Hibiscus Thai Hibiscus

Making friends in the theater, Playing with the generals and the generals. Making friends in the theater, Playing with the generals and the generals.
The boat moves in the gentle waves, The wind disperses and stirs the floating fragrance.
The oriole sings without a definite song, In the capital there is chaos.
Lotus and bamboo flute sound broken, Water vast boat song long.
The black and white flowers return to the secret tree, The flowing water returns to Jianzhang.

* Note :
- THAI PHU DUNG 採芙蓉: is Hibiscus picking; is Lotus picking. As we know in the previous lesson, Lotus is also called THUY PHU DUNG which is Hibiscus flower under water.
- MAKE FRIENDS 結伴: is to gather together; is to gather; is to MAKE FRIENDS.
- PHUONG DUONG 方塘: Literally means "Square pond". Derived meaning: A large pond about half an acre wide and with water as clear as a mirror.
- DIỆU HANG 雕航: Beautifully painted and carved boats used by the rich and noble in ancient times to travel on the river; also known as HOA PHANG 畫舫.
- TỪ LÃNG 細浪: Small ripples; Ripples.
- PHÙ HƯƠNG 浮香: The fragrance of lotus flowers floats on the surface of the pond.
- DU OANH 游鶯: The orioles are flying and chirping as if they are taking a walk.
- STUNNING: Startling the teal and wild ducks.
- XUYEN THANH 釧聲: The sound of the bracelets (of the palace maids).
- TRẢO CA 棹歌: The song of the boatmen.
- Dense trees 密樹: Dense rows (of trees)
- KIEN CHUONG 建章: The name of a palace in the king's harem. Besides Kien Chuong, there is also Chieu Duong palace as in the poem TIỀP DƯ OAN 婕妤怨 by Hoang Phu Nhiem 皇甫冉d in the Tang Dynasty :

Flowers come out of Jianzhang,
I am in charge of the Zhaoyang Festival.
I ask the benefactor,
How long does it take for a couple to get married? How long does it take for a couple to get married?
Mean :
The flower branch blooms in the KIEN CHUONG palace,
The phoenix flute plays melodiously, the morning sun is bustling.
Ask the beloved golden electricity,
How long are your eyebrows?

* Meaning of the poem:
The palace ladies gathered together to play together by the large lotus pond, then held hands and boarded the beautiful lotus picking boats. The boats glided gently, parting the rippling water. The gentle wind made the scent of the lotus flowers float faintly on the lake's surface. The orioles sang melodious tunes and the wild ducks seemed startled and flew away, no longer forming any ranks. The lotus picking was almost finished, so the jingling sound on the bracelets of the beauties gradually faded away, while the singing of the rowers still echoed and lingered. (Afternoon) The crows had also found shelter in the dense rows of trees and the flowing water seemed to be guiding the boats back to Kien Chuong Palace.

The poem has the tone of a king watching the joyful scene of a lotus picking session of the palace maids with all the sounds and colors of the five senses: Seeing the concubines happily pulling up to the boat, watching the boat go in the gentle wind in the ripples mixed with the faint scent of lotus, blending into the natural scene with the chirping of orioles and flying ducks; the laughter and the jingling of the beauties' arms flickering in the singing of the rowers on the river... What a perfect picture. The scene of lotus picking in the palace is like a grand dance of the palace maids blending into the poetic natural scene like a poetic "Thai Lien Do" painting under the pen of a poet king.
The poem also shows the talent of the talented king with ten sentences consisting of five pairs of opposites, which are very vivid and natural without any restraint!

* Nom performance:

So the group by the lake,
Hold hands and step down the boat.
The boat goes through the waves,
The wind blew the scent.
The oriole chirped happily,
Startled ducks leave the flock.
Lotus with bracelet picked hand,
The water sang loudly.
Crows in the afternoon in the dense forest,
Kien Chuong boat returned to the side.
Song That Luc Bat:
Together the group had fun at the waterfront,
Holding hands happily walking down the boat.
The boat glides smoothly on the gentle waves,
The scent of lotus drifts here and there in the wind,

The song of the oriole is joyful here and there,
Flock of wild ducks rustling in the wind.
The lotus flower faintly rustles,
Mixed in the river water the sound of oars echoes.

The crow forest has returned,
Lotus boat returns to Kien Chuong palace.
Do Chieu Duc performs Nom

See you next translation:
TAI LIEN KHUC 採蓮曲 by Wang Bo, the leader of the FOUR HEROES of the EARLY TANG DYNASTY.

Do Chieu Duc

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