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Nhìn lên trên, có chữ Suối Nguồn Tươi Trẻ là phần dành cho Thơ, bấm vào đó để sang trang Thơ. Khi mở Youtube nhớ bấm vào ô vuông góc dưới bên phải để mở rộng màn hình xem cho đẹp.
Cám ơn Quí Vị

Nhìn Ra Bốn Phương

Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 4, 2022

Special Invitation from Viet Museum San Jose - Vu Van Loc

Special Invitation from Viet Museum San Jose 
Who are Immigrants and Refugees?
Speaker; Major General Luong Xuan. Vietnamese, US Army 
At Vietnamese Museum San Jose we always get questions, such as.
Who are the Vietnamese refugees?
When did they come here?
What have they done over the years? 

10 a.m. May 1, 2022 Welcome to Santa Clara County at 70 W. Hedding
We will have some answers. 
Speaker: Major General Luong Xuan Viet.
From a refugee boy in 1975 at the age of 9 he became a Major General of the US Army with 34 years of military service.
He participated in the Middle East fronts.
He commanded from the platoon level to the Army Corps.
The talk marks 47 years of Vietnamese coming to the United States.
Under the auspices of Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, CA Senator Dave Cortese, and Santa Clara County Supervisor, Cindy Chavez.
You are cordially invited. RSVP to Tel (408)

Viet Xuan Luongis a retiredUnited States ArmyMajor General. He is the first American officer promoted to general officer rank who was born in Vietnam.
He last served as Commanding General forUnited States Army, Japan/I Corps Forward. He previously served as Deputy Commanding General (Operations),Eighth Army. His prior assignments include chief of staff of United States Army Central; Director of Joint and Integration; Headquarters Department of the Army; G-8; Assistant Division Commander–maneuver for the1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood, concurrent with assignment as commander,Train Advise Assistn Command – South,Resolute Support MissionJoint Command, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Afghanistan.

Viet Museum 408 3168393 vietmuseumsj@gmail.com giaochi12@gmail.com 3017 Qokbrige Dr SJ CA 95121

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