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Cám ơn Quí Vị

Nhìn Ra Bốn Phương

Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 12, 2014

Lũ Cuồng Tín Man Rợ ISIS - Đáng phải Tiêu diệt

We are so blessed to live where we live and practice what we believe.  God bless all of you.
 Dear Believing Friends - This is a critical prayer request!  Please PRAY and pass this information on to all of your praying friends.   With a broken heart,  
Dear Lord, comfort the hearts of the grieving, give them courage and relief.   Send dreams and visions to the terrorists that they might know that Jesus came to show the world that  God is a God of Love and not a god who calls for the slaughter of innocents.   In the name of Jesus may ISIS soldiers have a change of heart and stop these satanic acts! 

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Dear Friend: Just a few minutes ago, I received the following text message on my phone, from Sean Malone who leads Crisis Relief International (CRI), We spoke briefly on the phone, and I assured him that we would share this urgent prayer need with all our contacts.
We lost the city of Queragosh. It fell to ISIS and they are beheading children systematically. This is the city we have been smuggling food to. ISIS has pushed back Kurdish Forces, and is within 10 minutes of where our CRI team is working. Thousands more fled into the city of Erbil last night. The UN evacuated its staff in Erbil. Our team is unmoved and will stay. Prayer cover needed !!!. Please pray and help urgently .
Please pray sincerely for the deliverance of people of northern Iraq from the terrible advancement of ISIS and its extreme Islamic goals for mass conversion or death for Christians in this area.   Please help , help  .
May I plead with you not to ignore this email ?   Do not forward it before you have prayed through it. Then send it to as many people as possible.
Send it to friends and Christians you know. Send it to your prayer group. Send it to your pastors. Any one you can think of. We need to stand in the gap for our fellow Christians.  Please help , help , help  .

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