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Nhìn lên trên, có chữ Suối Nguồn Tươi Trẻ là phần dành cho Thơ, bấm vào đó để sang trang Thơ. Khi mở Youtube nhớ bấm vào ô vuông góc dưới bên phải để mở rộng màn hình xem cho đẹp.
Cám ơn Quí Vị

Nhìn Ra Bốn Phương

Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 11, 2014

​Mời xem những hình ảnh dễ thương về động vật...

1. This Kitten In A Basket
This kitten in a basket is worried that you’re not getting enough sleep lately.
2. This Chipmunk In The Middle Of A Meal
This chipmunk in the middle of a meal just found out how many carbs you ate today.
3. This Dog With Kitten Friends
The kitten friends couldn’t care less about what’s going on with you, but this dog is worried that you may have left the stove on.
4. This Disheveled Cat
This disheveled cat knows exactly what time you got home last night.

5. The Dog On The Right Of This Picture
The dog on the left of this picture just told the dog on the right of this picture that you have a secret crush on someone at work.
6. This Cheetah Cub
This cheetah cub is concerned that you’re not getting enough sun.
7. This Hawk
This hawk thinks you’ve been acting kind of funny lately.
8. This Tarsier
This tarsier is like, “I mean, you should do whatever you think is best, but are you sure it’s the right idea to buy a new outfit when you could be saving that money for a rainy day?”
9. This Anxious Cat
The main reason this cat is anxious is that she really, really, really wants you to get that promotion.
10. This Spider Monkey
Here’s a spider monkey who knows what you’re planning to do about that thing.
11. This Overreacting Cat
This cat may be overreacting, but you might want to let him know you that you’re not really planning on taking a random sick day tomorrow for no good reason.
12. This Other Chipmunk In The Middle Of A Meal
This other chipmunk in the middle of a meal just saw your credit card bill from last month.
13. The Rabbit And The Hamster In This Picture
The rabbit and the hamster in this picture aren’t sure that it’s such a great idea for you to put that project off until next week. The kitten in this picture thinks it’s not that big of a deal. The puppy is asleep.
14. This Rabbit
15. This Tarsier
This tarsier is concerned about the fact that he can see forever when he looks into your eyes. This tarsier is also tripping pretty hard right now, so you shouldn’t sweat it too much.
16. This Springer Spaniel And His Best Friend, The Owl
This springer spaniel and his best friend, the owl, are extremely concerned about your dating life. “Not that it’s really any of our business,” they are quick to add, “but still.”
17. This Disheveled Bald Eagle
This disheveled bald eagle is becoming more and more worried that you’re letting this whole “ironic” interest in boy-band music get out of hand.
18. This Rabbit
Here’s a rabbit who’s distressed about the fact that people at work don’t “get” your sense of humor.
19. This Koala
20. This Prairie Dog
This prairie dog is genuinely concerned about your penchant for self-destructive behavior, but secretly thinks the situations you get yourself into are kind of amusing.
21. This Cat Who Is Friends With A Parrot Riding A Bicycle
This cat can’t even concentrate on the parrot riding a bicycle because she is so concerned about how much you’ve been drinking lately.
22. This Bird And Hamster Who Are Presumably Married
These guys just want what’s best for you, but they both think you are spending way too much time on the face book.
23. This Raccoon Who Chills Out With Cats
This raccoon just took a quick break from chilling out with these cats to try and remember when the last time was that you went to the gym.
24. This Owl
This owl is worried that you don’t take yourself as seriously as you should.
25. This Kangaroo
This kangaroo is too timid to say anything about it, but she’s worried that you’re not as enthusiastic about your job as you were when you started.
26. This Panda
This panda is convinced that you are selling yourself short!
27. The Dog On The Left Of This Picture
The dog on the right of this picture just told the dog on the left of this picture how much television you watch every day.
28. This Overweight Meerkat
This overweight meerkat thinks you may be running with the wrong crowd.
29. This Slow Loris
Oh, and here’s a slow loris who’s been wondering whether you have enough iron in your diet.
30. This Hedgehog
This hedgehog is worried that you’re not reading enough great literature.
31. This Cat On A Road Trip
Someone just told this cat on a road trip that you’ve been thinking about getting back together with your ex.
32. This Dog With A Cat Best Friend
This dog with a cat best friend just wants you to promise that everything’s OK.
33. This Cat
This cat just found seven separate typos in that email you’re about to send.
34. Boo, The Pomeranian
Boo is wondering why you said you were going to learn a new language if you weren’t even planning to look up classes in your area.
35. This Unbelievably Fat Cat
Actually, this unbelievably fat cat just has indigestion. She thinks you can probably take care of yourself without other people trying to run your life for you.

        THANG QUAN,


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